Yummy, nutritious meal plans
Diet matters. Make the most of it
My offerings
Health is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual aspects.
Since 2013, my vision has been to make diet and fitness a part of lifestyle for everyone. My experience has made me a believer of adopting a holistic approach.
So, the goal is not just providing a diet plan, but empowering each individual with a deeper understanding of nutrition, so that they can make their own decisions, and carve out a better lifestyle.
I help people with eating disorders, medical or bodily conditions, and even those stressed with a hectic lifestyle. I guide them about nutrition and fitness, helping them to find out the correct food and exercise rhythm that can achieve work-life balance.

Low purine diet
Diet specially designed for people suffering from high uric acid , gout and kidney stones.

Calcium rich balanced diet to arrest symptoms and complications caused due to this condition

Lactose intolerance
Many people are deficient in the enzyme lactase so they are unable to digest any dairy product. A proper diet considering this limitation and promoting balanced nutrition for those people.

Diet for epilepsy
A diet rich is fat and low on carbohydrates has shown promising results with controlling seizures in epileptic patients. A proper calculated diet for epilepsy patients so that they can enjoy a normal life will be given.

Cancer patients
Diet to help Cancer patients to regain their strength during and post treatment with lots of antioxidant rich fresh food items and preferred source of protein will be promoted.

There is a common misconception among patient with type 2 diabetes that they cannot eat any carbohydrates, (eg- mango, rice) which is not true. A proper balanced diet which would keep their blood glucose in check along with suggestions of yoga asanas and pranayamas will be provided.

Diet for celiac disease
People with celiac disease are hypersensitive to gluten. A structured gluten free nutritionally sound diet plan would be provided.

Diet for hypothyroidism
Healthy nutritious meal plan which doesn’t include processed items and helps to keep body fat % at a correct level and helps with proper absorption of replacement hormones will be provided. Certain Yoga Asanas will be suggested to enable proper functioning of thyroid glands.

Hyperthyroidism diet
Diet Low in iodine and high in iron, calcium, zinc and selenium would be provided so enable the patient to enjoy a full and gratifying life. Proper care would be taken so that he/she doesn’t suffer from loss of muscle and bone density

Diet rich in complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats along with certain herbs would be provided to alter the condition

Irritable bowel
Diet plan low in Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols in provided.

Diet for kidney problems
Balanced meal with proper percentage of sodium, potassium and phosphorus will be provided to enable kidney functioning

Diet plan with specific food items and meal timing would be given. Steps would be taken to understand the underlying cause of Insomnia. Specific pranayamas would be suggested and lifestyle hacks would be given to promote a balanced state of mind.

Pregnancy diet
This is a wonderful time for a woman. She is starting with a new chapter in her life. Nutritious diet with proper iron, folic acid , protein and macros would be provided to enable proper development of the fetus and optimum weight gain for the mother.

Post pregnancy diet
During this period a woman’s body needs extreme care and nurturing. Diet which would enable better lactation as well as proper recovery would be provided.

Diet during menopause
A woman’s body goes through several changes during the period between mid 40’s and 50 ‘s . Special care is needed to keep her physically healthy and emotionally happy. Special high protein, diet with healthy fats, antioxidants, calcium, Vitamin D, magnesium and ample dietary fiber is prepared for her.

Ketogenic diet
A diet which is high on fat ( about 65- 70%)
Moderate on protein (15 to 20%) and low on carbohydrates (10 -15%) is provided taking in consideration nutritional requirements, gender and lifestyle patterns of the person.

Intermittent fasting diet
Due to hectic lifestyle, binge eating disorder or issues with mindless night snacking many people like to follow Intermittent fasting. This Diet mostly keep them right track. Balanced and nutritious diet plan is provided so that they can meet their individual requirements of macro and micronutrients.

Vegan diet
In recent times many individual tend to follow a diet devoid of any animal products for ethical as well as health reasons. Vegan diets can be little deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. A diet plan and proper supplement recommendations are provided to meet the individual lifestyle and prevent and future malnutrition.

Bridal diet
Marriage is a huge stepping stone in the life of a would- be bride. It can be very gratifying as well as emotionally stressful at the same time. A nutritious , balanced diet with various herbs and antioxidant is provided to bring out her inner illuminous self so that she can light up with inner and outer beauty on that day.
My Services
Online SessionMeal plans and charts are provided and the queries are answered. |
Rs. 3000 | Book Now |
2 Month PackageMeal plans, charts are provided and queries are answered for 2 months. |
Rs. 5500 | Book Now |
3 Month PackageMeal plans, charts are provided and queries are answered for 3 months. |
Rs. 8000 | Book Now |