Daab Malai Chena Kofta

August 13th, 2022

Daab Malai Chena Kofta


  • Cinnamon stick – 1inch
  • Green Cardamom – 2
  • Ginger Paste – 1 tbsp
  • Sweet potato – 50 grams
  • Carrot shredded – 50 grams
  • Raisin – 10 grams
  • Cashew – 20 grams
  • Watermelon seed – 10 grams
  • Fresh Tender Coconut – 50 grams
  • Cottage cheese / Chena ( Home made) – 230 gms
  • Ghee / White Butter – 30 gms
  • Rock Salt – according to taste
  • White Pepper – According to taste
  • Jaggerey powder – 2 tsp
  • Arrowroot Powder – 15 gms


  • Take about 230 grams of home made cottage cheese. Mix with it boiled sweet potato, shredded carrots, little sugar or Jaggery, rock salt & little white pepper powder. Mix very well with hand to obtain smooth consistency. Now add the arrowroot powder.
  • Make into small round shaped dough. Insert I raisin in-between the dough. Keep on a plate
  • Now take a non-stick pan. Put little (1-2 tsp) Ghee / white butter & shallow dry the balls in small batches so that it doesn’t break. Keep the balls in a serving dish.
  • In that same pan add 2 more tsp of ghee / white butter. Add the cinnamon Stick, green cardomom ginger paste, broken cashews, watermelon seeds sautee for a small period of time. Switch off the gas and keep aside.
  • In a small Jar of mixer grinder / food processor add the fresh tender coconut kernel. you can add little coconut water to make a smooth paste. keep aside
  • Now the ingredients of the pan must have cooled down. Transfer it to the mixer grinder and make a smooth paste.
  • In the same non-stick pan add 2 tsp of ghee / white butter. Add the cashew , ginger & seed paste. Sautee little.
  • Now add the coconut paste. Simmer and cook little while covered.
  • Add little sugar or jaggery & white pepper powder. Adjust salt & seasoning
  • Pour the gravy on top of the prepared cottage cheese balls
  • Garnish with coriander leaves if you want
  • Serve with cooked barnyard millet / Samak Rice or kuttu or Buck wheat paratha (Add little curd while kneading the dough)

Serving- 4 servings

  • calories / Serving – 267 kcal
  • CHO – 1709 g
  • Protein – 1403 g
  • Fat – 16.1 g
  • Vitamin A – 180%
  • Vitamin C – 6.7%
  • Calcium – 9.3 %
  • Iron – 13.1%

Buckwheat atla / Kuttu atla
Paratha – 2 nos.


  • 50 gram Buck wheat
  • Hung curd – 10 grams
  • Ghee – 1 tsp

Calories – 223 Kcal

  • CHO – 36 g
  • Protein – 7 g
  • Fat – 7 g
  • Total Meal Calorie – 490 Kcal
  • CHO – 54 g, Fat – 23g, Protein – 2 .1 g

Same Meal with 1 cup cooked Samak rice

Total Calories – 417 Kcal

  • CHO – 45 g
  • Fat – 18 g
  • Protein – 20 g

Brown sugar cinnamon
Sweet Potatoes

Serves – 6

  • Ingredients
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes (570 g)
  • white Butter / Ghee – 10g
  • Brown Sugar – 12g
  • Cinnamon Powder – 1 tsp
  • Honey – 30g


  • Preheat the oven to 4000 F or 2000 C. Line a baking sheet with aluminium foil & brush the Ghee / Butter.
  • Dice Potatoes into 1/2 ” pieces. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but try to keep the size fairly consistent as it would enable even cooking.
  • Add Potatoes to the baking sheet. Spray or brush Ghee / butter. Sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon over top and then toss around and coat the potatoes evenly.
  • Bake for 15 minutes then take out and drizzle the honey over top. Toss it around & bake for another 10 mins.

Total Calories / serving – 140 Kcal

  • CHO – 22.1
  • Fat – 5.6g
  • Protein – 1.3 g
  • Vitamin C – 19.2%
  • Calcium – 2.7%
  • Iron – 3.8%

This meal is for your healthy snacking.
you can add diced cucumber or any fruit to it and make it into a salad.

Stretch & Asana

  • Neck movement – Left & Right
  • Arm rotation – Clock & Anti clock
  • waist Rotation
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Lunges
  • 5 to 10 Suriya Namaskar

Followed by Pranayama

Pranayama Schedule

  • For Proper cleansing of your Body we need to start our day with Jal Neti.
  • Post Jal Neti Practice of Kapal Raundra Dhauti & Kapal Bhati Kriya is absolutely mandetory.
  • To Keep our degestive fire burnig strong we need to practice 3 months of Bhrastika Forceful inhalation & Exhalation from nose where stomach goes in and out.
  • Then Practice 3 rounds x 10 of Agnisara. If possible practice with Uddiyan & Jalandhara bandha in shunyaka / Bahya kumbhaka
  • Next Practice should be Nadi Shodhana -10 rounds
  • After Nadi Sodhana lic down put your right arm palm on your belly & left hand by legs. Keep your knee touching each other. Practice belly breathing with compute mind fulnessfor 5 minutes.
  • Turn on one side and sit up. Practice 5 round of Anulom Vilom
  • End your Practice with 5 minutes of Bhramri

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